The Element Boron

What is Boron? Element Properties & Periodic Table Info

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Boron PropertiesPeriodic TableWhat is Boron as on the Periodic Table?

Definition of the Boron Element
Boron exists as a dark brown to black powder or as an extremely hard, jet-black to silver-gray, brittle, lustrous, metal-like element. It is extracted chiefly from kernite and borax and used in flares, propellant mixtures, nuclear reactor control elements, abrasives, and hard metallic alloys. Boron is found in grains, nuts, leafy greens, and non-citrus fruits.

At standard temperatures boron is a poor electrical conductor but is a good conductor at high temperatures. The Atomic Number of this element is 5 and the Element Symbol is B.


What is Boron? Origin / Meaning of the name Boron
This element was originally called boracium by Sir Humphrey Davy because it was drawn from boracic acid,  borax is a mineral and a salt of boric acid. The name Boron is derived from a combination of the names Boracium and Carbon (because the substance resembles carbon).

What is Boron? Periodic Table Group and Classification of the Boron Element
Elements can be classified based on their physical states (States of Matter) e.g. gas, solid or liquid. This element is a solid. Boron is classified as a "Metalloid" element and is located in Groups 13, 14,15, 16 and 17 of the Periodic Table. An element classified as one of the Metalloids has the properties of both metals and Non-Metals. Some are semi-conductors and can carry an electrical charge making them useful in calculators and computers. Boron is different from other members of the Metalloid group (aluminum, boron, gallium, indium, and thallium) because boron is not a metal whereas all the other elements in the group are metals. For additional facts and information refer to Boron Properties.

What is Boron? Occurrence of the Boron Element
Boron is never found free in nature. It occurs as boric acid (H3BO3), and in salts of polyboric acids, which usually have very complicated formulas. Boric acid is found in nature in considerable quantities and forms one of the chief sources of boron compounds. It is found dissolved in the water of hot springs in some localities, particularly in Italy. Being volatile with steam, the vapor which escapes from these springs has some boric acid in it. It is easily obtained from these sources by condensation and evaporation, the necessary heat being supplied by other hot springs.
Obtained from kernite, boric acid, colemanite, ulexite and borates
Produced in USA and Turkey
Boric acid is sometimes found in volcanic spring waters

Abundances of the element in different environments
% in Universe 1×10-7%
% in Sun 2×10-7%
% in Meteorites 0.00016%
% in Earth's Crust 0.00086%
% in Oceans 0.00044%
% in Humans 0.00007%

Medical Uses of Boron - Health and Treatments
Interesting information on the Medical Uses of Boron, Health and Treatments. Boric acid is used chiefly as an ointment for minor skin disorders. Boric acid in solution was once extensively used as an anti-infective and eyewash, but the high incidence of serious toxic reactions associated with these preparations has greatly reduced their use. Medical uses of Boron, Health and Treatments - Boron is also found in compounds that are used in treating cancer and as astringents and antiseptics.

Associated Uses of Boron
Heat resistant alloys. Boron is used to make alloys by melting and mixing two or more metals. The most important of these alloys are used to make some of the strongest magnets known in Loudspeakers, Headphones, Microphones and Magnetic switches.


The Properties of the Boron Element
Symbol of Element : B
Atomic Number :  5
Atomic Mass: 10.811 amu
Melting Point: 2300.0 °C - 2573.15 °K
Boiling Point: 2550.0 °C - 2823.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons: 5
Number of Neutrons: 6
Crystal Structure: Rhombohedral
Density @ 293 K: 2.34 g/cm3
Color :

What is Boron? The Properties of the Boron Element
Name of Element : Boron
Symbol of Element : B
Atomic Number of Boron :  5
Atomic Mass: 10.811 amu
Melting Point: 2300.0 °C - 2573.15 °K
Boiling Point: 2550.0 °C - 2823.15 °K
Number of Protons/Electrons in Boron : 5
Number of Neutrons in Boron : 6
Crystal Structure: Rhombohedral
Density @ 293 K: 2.34 g/cm3
Color of Boron :

The History and Discovery of Boron
Boron was believed to have been isolated in 1808 by Humphrey Davy in London and, independently, by the French chemists Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778 – 1850) and Louis-Jaques Thénard (1777 - 1857) in Paris. It later emerged that in both cases the "element" was actually a compound containing between 60–70% boron. It was identified as an element by Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779 – 1848)  in 1824. Pure boron was produced by the American chemist Ezekiel Weintraub in 1909.

Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779 – 1848)

Sir Humphry Davy
Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) isolated
Sodium, Lithium, Potassium, barium, strontium, and Calcium by means of electrolysis; demonstrated the elementary nature of Chlorine; invented the safety lamp; discovered the stupefying effects of nitrous oxide.

Sir Humphry Davy (1778 - 1829)

Boron as on the Periodic Table
Check out Boron on the Periodic Table which arranges each chemical element according to its atomic number, as based on the Periodic Law, so that chemical elements with similar properties are in the same column. Our Periodic Table is simple to use - just click on the symbol for Boron as on the Periodic Table for additional information and for an instant comparison of the Atomic Weight, Melting Point, Boiling Point and Mass - G/cc with any other element. An invaluable source of facts and information as a Chemistry reference guide.

Other elements classified as Metalloids
The other elements contained in the classification of Metalloids are as follows:

  • Silicon
  • Germanium
  • Arsenic
  • Antimony
  • Tellurium
  • Polonium

What is Boron - IUPAC and the Modern Standardised Periodic Table
The Standardised Periodic Table in use today was agreed by the International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, in 1985 and now recognises more periods and elements than Dimitri  Mendeleev knew in his day in his day but still all fitting into his concept of  the "Periodic Table" in which Boron is just one element that can be found.

Learn about what is Boron with these fast facts...
These articles contain facts and information relating to Boron and each of the other elements including the Periodic Symbol,  group, classification, properties and atomic number which is often referred to as the Periodic Table Number. Test your knowledge of chemistry and the Periodic Table by completing the Element Symbols and Atomic Numbers on our Blank Periodic Table. Chemistry students will also find a helpful section on Chemical Formulas.

What is the Element Boron

The Elements are the building blocks of Modern Science & Chemistry
for a chart that details the weights click
Periodic Table with Atomic Mass


What is Boron - Information - Chemistry - Periodic Table - Element - Info - Uses - What is Boran - Atomic Number - Atomic Weight -  Mass - Online - Science - Quiz - What is Boron - Information - Facts - Use - Chemical - Properties - Fact - Density - Radioactive - History - Boron - Liquid - Gas - Solid - Chemical - Melting Point - Boiling Point - Metal - Hallogen - Noble - Rare Earth - What is Boron - Information - Chemistry - Periodic Table - Element - Info - Uses - What is Boran - Atomic Number - Atomic Weight -  Mass - Online - Science - Quiz - What is Boron - Information - Facts - Use - Chemical - Properties - Fact - Density - Radioactive - History - Boron - Liquid - Gas - Solid - Chemical - Melting Point - Boiling Point - Metal - Hallogen - Noble - Rare Earth - What is Boron - Chemistry - Chemical - Substance - Compound - Part - Building block - Component - Factor - Module - Constituent - Molecule - Atom - Physical property - Elementary Substance - Isotope - Elment - Elemant - Symbol - Written By Linda Alchin