Origin / Meaning of the name Tellurium The name originates from the Greek word 'tellus' meaning Earth Periodic Table Group and Classification of the of the Tellurium Element Elements can be classified based on their physical states (States of Matter) e.g. gas, solid or liquid. This element is a solid. Tellurium is classified as a "Metalloid" element and is located in Groups 13, 14,15, 16 and 17 of the Periodic Table. An element classified as one of the Metalloids has the properties of both metals and Non-Metals. Some are semi-conductors and can carry an electrical charge making them useful in calculators and computers. Facts about the Discovery and History of the Tellurium Element Tellurium was discovered by Franz-Joseph Muller von Reichenstein in 1782 in Romania. It was isolated by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1798. History of the Periodic Table Check out the brief History of the Periodic Table which details dates and the names of famous scientists and chemists who contributed to the development of the Periodic Table. Occurrence of the Tellurium Element Obtained from a by-product of refining of lead and copper Principal source of tellurium is from anode msds Abundances of the element in different environments % in Universe 9×10-7% % in Sun N/A % in Meteorites 0.00021% % in Earth's Crust 9.9×10-8% % in Oceans N/A % in Humans N/A Associated Uses of Tellurium Ceramics Bismuth telluride Thermoelectric devices Coloring of glass Msds tellurium dioxide |